Master Thai Massage Practitioner


What is Thai Massage?

What is Thai Massage?

Thai Massage is a blend of massage, acupressure, energy work, and gentle stretches.  It is a slow and meditative approach.  At the end of a session, clients describe feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

Massage:  The feet, face, and hands are massaged typically without lotion.

Acupressure/Energy Work:  Pressing points (like those in acupuncture) to stimulate energy channels called Sen lines.  (ie: kidney, heart, lung)

Gentle Stretches:  Assisted yoga-like postures are a flowing part of a treatment.  No previous yoga experience or even flexibility is needed.

Why Thai Massage?

With on-going treatments, clients see an increasing range of motion with their joints, lengthening of the spine, and releasing muscle tension.

Because the client is on a cushioned floor mat, techniques can be applied with their having the support of the ground beneath them.

The "yoga-like" stretches are assisted by the practitioner.  Therefore, the client can focus on their breath and achieve a deeper stretch. 

What is a Session Like?

For a Thai massage treatment, a client wears loose comfortable clothes.  While lying on a cushioned floor mat, the practitioner applies techniques such as: compression, rocking, stretching, and range of motion.  This creates an increased mind-body awareness for the client.

At any time during the treatment, the client would be on their back, stomach, side-lying or seated position.  The practitioner applies pressure using their thumb, palm, elbow, foot or knee.  For certain stretches, the client is asked to take a deep breath.  The combination of movement and breath creates therapeutic relief.

Why Choose Suzanne Miller?

Each client is unique, therefore, each session is unique.  I strive to customize your Thai massage for the optimum benefit of what you need and how you "show up" for your treatment.  A traditional Thai massage session is two hours.  I have also created an 1.5 hour flow to best accommodate your time schedule and budget. 




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